Tuesday, November 3, 2009


nobody has blogged lately.

life's been odd lately

i've done no homework in soooooooooooo long. i don't even remember what homework looks like.

i've been hanging out a lot with ryan and viola and carly. not necessariyl all at once, but i've been hanging otu with them a lot more than usual.

and idk, i feel like i've been kinda blowing off sophie by never calling her about calculus homework and stuff.

basically, i'm trying to be a full time student, and a full time friend to all my friends, and i think alex is getting the short end of the stick cuz i feel like i haven't seen her in forever

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Taking a Survey to Prove Someone Wrong

Survey Alex said I wouldn't do:

Last person you had a depressing conversation with?

Last male you hugged?

Last female you said was beautiful?
my fabulous Alex, of course

Last person whose profile you creeped?
nobody's actually. haven't been on /fb/ this weekend

Do you intimidate men? How?
not really. although people say I do frequently look mad

Are you dressing up for Halloween?
Same vampire cape i've been wearing for HOW many years now? lol

What is one unique or odd name that you like?
Alice, Lily, Kari, Lucinda

What is your favorite genre of music?
Probably the kind you don't like. (trip-hop, country, electronica, avante-garde, zen flute music, and anything vaguely experimental, electronic, or poppy with female vocals)

Are you good at hiding your feelings?
i can hide them, but i don't like to, which doesn't help

In a guy/girl, do you prefer straight or curly hair?
neither, i prefer wavy.

Dark or bright eyes?
usually i'd say bright. but alex's eyes are so warm and loving and chocolatey

Sportsy or musical?
musical. i don't really get the appeal of sports.

Have you ever jumped in the pool with your clothes on?
nope, but lakes, yeah. and i don't swim too well even w/o clothes, so... :/

Do you have a best friend?
herd is legion. and no, not specifically.

What are your biggest fears?
dying alone. wide open spaces. being crippled. becoming stupid. getting in trouble.

Has anyone touched/smacked your butt in the past 24 hours?
i wish. but alas no. (and by i wish, i mean i wish i'd been with alex)

Are you a girly girl (or tough guy)?
nope. sux for me :P

Have you ever wanted to be a vampire?
on occasion

Have you ever imagined what it was like to kill someone?
oh so many times.

Are you protective of anyone?
alex. and pretty much all my friends.

Eye liner or mascara(on you/on a girl)?
hmm... on a girl. i like eyeliner. i also like nothing. either works.

Hoodie or jacket?
both. this is minnesota

Tell me a secret...
i used to shave my feet.

Kiss or hug?
hug. everyone needs a hug.

Is there anyone who should take this survey?
bored people.

What annoys you?
boredom. schoolwork. whiny people.

Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
both. i act quite extroverted with my firends, but i am just as happy sitting at home donig nothing.

Do you have a new nickname?
i hope not, or i may have to kill someone

Do you have any 'naughty' photos on your phone?
nope. i wouldn't use a cell phone camera for stuff like that

When is the next time you will kiss someone?
in about 5 hours ish

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


i got to normandale, and my first class started in 3 minutes, but i just wanted to sit down for a second and i was really tired. so then i wake up and there's 5 minutes left of class, so i figure i'll just close my eyes until that class gets out and then go to my next class. so then i open my eyes again and it's halfway through my next class. so then i just figured i'm screwed anyways and then close my eyes again, and wake up 10 minutes before my 3rd class, so i walk to that class, and it's calculus, and i realize i don't have anything to write with. and then i go to public speaking after that, and listen to soem good speeches. then after school i hung out with alex for a long time. we ordered dominos. it took them 2 hours and 20 minutes to get us the worng food. apparently when i ordered it off the internet the first time, the driver couldn't find my house, and gave up and they cancelled my order. then i called back and the guy told me abotu it so then they put my order back in the system, and it got here 2 hours and 20 mintues after it was supposed to, then when i went downstairs i realized that they gave us one of the wrong kidn of pasta bowl, and no drinks, so then i called them up and told the guy, and he bitched for awhile abotu the new chick, and then decided to give me a credit for a free pasta bowl and 2-liter drink. we also watched a movie (jennifer's body, good movie, with megan fox) then she got driven home and i went to cat's house to see cat and tom. we had a long argument about what time we should meet up tomorrow and whether we should get food, before after, or during the trip to drake. we eventually decided on soemthing, but i'm not sure what. i guess i'll find out tomorrow. then i came how, now this

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


i always order more than i can eat. sux.

Monday, September 14, 2009


I have a lovely girlfriend named Alex. I love her so much she doesn't even know, but i suck at showing it. I think i might try to blog here more if i remember to.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

a first post

idk if i'll use this, but i decided to at least create a blog over here since they're tied to gmail accounts.